Hixme’s New Big-Data BundleMe Tool Demonstrates Cost Savings


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Image: Hixme.com

As the chief financial officer of Hixme, Erik Wissig guides an innovation-driven startup that provides employers with individual health insurance market solutions that also enable employee choice. Erik Wissig’s company was in the news in late 2017 with the launch of the big data tool BundleMe in partnership with Axene Health Partners (AHP).

This high-tech solution allows corporate users to search for the best wraparound and core benefits plans for each insured party within groups ranging from 500 to 5,000 members. This generates significant health benefits savings, typically in the 10 to 20 percent range, while allowing large employers to move beyond traditional models that have an outmoded “one-size-fits-all” foundation.

The next generation offering complements the Hixme Bundle, which employs a variety of integrated self-funded mechanisms within a health insurance platform that has insurtech and fintech components.

Advanced BundleMe algorithms organize health care cost experiences over a full year, employing a sample population that is “large, credible, and random,” and accurately evaluate member benefit costs over time. The relative value of Hixme Bundles can thus be clearly demonstrated in comparison with traditional coverage levels.